Sunday, February 24, 2008

More Handpainted Cotton Yarns

Here is my second lot of the cotton yarns I have been handpainting. These reminded me of everything Grateful Dead, so I called this colorway TieDye. The next batch I handpainted is called Blue Moon. Take a look:

I am making sure I do larger numbers of skeins of these yarns so that if someone has, for example, a desire to knit a child's sweater, I will have enough skeins in that lot to complete the project. There are 8 skeins of the TieDye at the time of listing and 4 skeins of the Blue Moon. These colors are so bright and rich! What fun it is to create the colorways.

I have two more colorways "cooking" (once the yarn is painted, it is wrapped in plastic to keep the moisture in and the dye works on the fiber for 24 hours). The colorways are Aubergine (purple and spring green) and Lightening (yellow-green and cobalt blue). These will be listed in the shop as soon as they are dry - probably Monday or Tuesday.

I finished knitting a cotton washcloth in white - the same yarn I am handpainting. I am going to handpaint it along with my next batch of yarn, just for fun!

These are my most recent knitting adventures. See you on your blog!


Natalie Rush said...

Wow..that looks amazing! I have a bunch of white cotton I want to dye. What kind of dye did you use for this??

Sonja said...

Jacquard Procion MX dye, with added urea, after soaking the yarn in a solution of soda ash. You can find directions for this dyeing process - just google "dyeing cotton yarn".

Plain Jane said...

Definitely Grateful Dead colors - they match the dancing skeletons on the shirt I'm wearing this morning {g}

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