Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Two weeks and I board a plane...

This is all getting very close! Two weeks from today I will be boarding a plane and beginning my journey. Today, I went to the US Citizen and Immigration Service building downtown for my biometrics appointment. That means my fingerprints were electronically scanned and my picture taken. Afterward, I Fedexed all my documents along with my passport to a courier service in NYC, who will, in turn, carry it to the UK Consulate in NYC for the visa stamp. Then it will be shipped back to me overnight via Fedex. Once I have it, I will buy my ticket. I should have it back in about a week.
A week.
A week later, I'll be on a plane. That's really soon. All of a sudden, it's coming at me quickly! I've been so busy winding things up here since Oct.1. Paying off all my bills, shopping for clothes, a MacBook, shoes, coats and whatever else I need to take with me to England. Preparing documents, driving to appointments, meeting my son, my daughter, my sisters, my coworkers and my mom for lunch - not all at once. On separate days. But it adds up to alot of running around.
I have been doing alot of driving around the countryside, back and forth to offices in Buffalo, back and forth to relatives homes and so on. I still catch myself trying to commit the countryside to memory. It's my favorite time of the year. I hope I love the English countryside as much.

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